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We need your support – your experience matters!

    Are you at least 18 years old and on the autistic spectrum? You work with autistic people or have close contact in your private life? Then we need you! Support our research project AutARK at the TU Dresden and help us develop better workplace conditions for neurodivergent people. Join our contact list now and decide whether you would like to participate in interviews, receive further study invitations from the project or receive the project newsletter.

    What can you expect?

    First, you can easily provide us with your contact information using the link below. You decide for which purpose we may contact you. You can change your mind at any time if you do not want to be contacted by us again. In addition, to inviting you to participate in studies or asking for an interview, you can also sign up to receive our email newsletter, which is expected to be published once a quarter. You can choose how we contact you. You are not required to participate. We will inform you in detail about the process before the study and make it as pleasant as possible for you.

    We only carry out user studies of technical systems. This usually means that we ask you to try out an innovative software solution that is designed to support you in your everyday work for various requirements. Depending on the specific study, this can take place remotely or in presence. You can also find our current studies on our website under Current Studies. You are welcome to contact us if you are interested.

    Your privacy is important to us: All data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) and will not be passed on to third parties.

    What are your benefits?

    You will receive an incentive payment of up to €30 per study as a thank you for your time and engagement, with the exact amount depending on the complexity of the study. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to research supporting people on the autism spectrum and try out innovative technologies!

    Are you interested?

    Are you interested and would like to be informed about upcoming studies or news? Then you can easily provide your contact details by following the link below:

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