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Call for Paper Special Issue “Designing Technology for Neurodivergent Self-Determination: Challenges and Opportunities”

We are running a special issue entitled

Designing Technology for Neurodivergent Self-Determination: Challenges and Opportunities

to be published in

Interacting with Computers
(ISSN 1873-7951, Website

Neurodivergent individuals, in particular those with autism, ADHD, anxiety, or sensory processing differences such as synaesthesia, often face barriers in education, employment, and leisure due to a society largely tailored towards neurotypical standards.

Main Topics for Submissions

This Special Issue invites contributions to four key themes:

  1. Technology Use by Neurodivergent Individuals: We seek insights into how neurodivergent individuals currently utilize technology to meet their unique needs. Papers exploring practical applications and user experiences are particularly welcomed.
  2. Real-World Scenarios and Situations: Lived-experience reports demonstrating communication situations between neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals mediated by interactive systems. Papers should include artefacts highlighting mismatches and confirmations for successful arrangements.
  3. Innovations in Assistive Technology: We are looking for research on the development of new technologies aimed specifically at supporting neurodivergent individuals. Studies on design principles, user-centred development, and the impact of these technologies on daily life are highly encouraged.
  4. Design for Inclusivity: Contributions should focus on how technology designed for the neurotypical population can be reimagined to foster a more profound understanding of neurodivergence and promote inclusivity. Papers can address inclusive design frameworks, and strategies for embracing self-determination and balancing individual needs with societal responsibilities.

We invite researchers drawing upon design-based research approaches to share theoretical, methodological, or practical perspectives as well as lived experiences. We welcome submissions reporting on qualitative or quantitative studies, systematic reviews or scoping reviews, as well as theoretical models. Submissions should address the existing interfaces between neurodivergence and technology, propose innovative solutions, or explore the intersection of technology design with societal inclusion efforts.

Important Dates

  • Extended Abstract (approx. 1500 words) Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance of the Abstracts for Full Paper Submissions: approx. December 3rd, 2024
  • Full Paper Submission: February 27th, 2025
  • Publication of the Special Issue: late 2025 (tentatively)

(Deadlines updated on June 6th, 2024)

Submission Guidelines and Procedure

All submissions (abstracts and later final manuscripts) must be original and may not be under review by another publication. The manuscripts should be submitted either in .docx or in .rtf format. All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors are invited to submit an 8–30 pages paper (including authors’ information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.). More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics of the paper format can be found on the following website, where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors, publication ethics and malpractice are published:

Link to Submission



David Gollasch, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Meinhardt Branig, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany

Additional Information

Review Panel


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