The research project is realized by the Chair of Human-Computer Interaction of the Dresden University of Technology under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Weber. In addition, various actors and institutions are involved in scientific and practical work.
On this page you will find information about the following topics:
Scientific staff in the project

David Gollasch, M. Sc.
Computer Science, Research Associate, TU Dresden
Specialization: Human-centered design, diversity sensitivity, software variability, voice interaction
Responsible for: Project management and finance, system architecture, variability, and adaptation concept

Christin Engel, M. Sc.
Media Computer Science, Research Associate, TU Dresden
Specialization: UX design, diversity-sensitive design, digital accessibility, tactile graphics, information visualizations, usability studies, automation
Responsible for: Public communication, data protection, requirements research, scientific publications
“It is our social responsibility to design applications in such a way that they can be used successfully by everybody. This is the only way to ensure that inclusion continues to succeed in the future.”

Jan Schmalfuß-Schwarz, M. Sc.
Media Computer Science, Research Associate, TU Dresden
Specialization: Information Visualization, Databases, Computer Supported Collaborative Work
Responsible for: Technology, privacy, system architecture, communication, and stimulus reduction
“We need human-centered, error tolerant, gentle technology that takes into account people’s strengths, but also their weaknesses.”
Gerhard Faber, dt. Informatiker u. Hochschullehrer (translated into English)

Meinhardt Branig, M. Sc.
Media Computer Science, Research Associate, TU Dresden
Specialization: information visualization and haptification, tangible UI, digital accessibility, diversity-sensitive design
Responsible for: Public communication, technical organization, and development of tangible UIs for scheduling and task planning

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Gerhard Weber
Principal Investigator
Student assistants in the project
Current Staff

Danny Schober
Master Computer Science, 1st semester, TU Dresden

Richard Fuchs
Master Computer Science, 1st semester, TU Dresden
Former Staff

Hagen Dähne
06.2023 – 03.2024
Bachelor Computer Science, 7th semester, TU Dresden
Associates of the Project
The project will involve cooperation with various organizations and institutions, in particular vocational training centers. The inclusion of the target group as well as other stakeholders is also ensured through co-design, workshops and scientific studies accompanied by an advisory board.
SRH – Vocational Training Center Dresden

The Vocational Training Center Dresden is established as an independent educational institution in Dresden. Here, young people can choose between 19 training professions from various fields, which is funded as rehabilitation measures by the Employment Agency and others. The vocational training center has specialized in the needs of trainees with various physical and mental impairments and accordingly offers needs-based support at various levels. In addition, an individual rehabilitation plan with individual support activities will be compiled for each person being trained.
As part of the project, intensive cooperation with the vocational training center is planned, especially for requirements analysis. This will ensure the practical development of solutions together with the target group.
Advisory Board
Our advisory board is composed of experts and stakeholders who contribute their personal or professional experience and expertise to the project. Various organizations are represented:
- Dresden Employment Agency, Vocational Rehabilitation and Participation Team
- Autismus Deutschland e. V. Federal Association for the Promotion of People with Autism
- B.B.W. St. Franziskus Abensberg
- autSocial e. V.
- State Capital Dresden Representative for People with Disabilities/SeniorsautSocial e. V.
- Munich University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
- SRH Vocational Training Center Dresden
- TU Dortmund, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences