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Prof. Weber stands in front of a set of slides projected onto the wall with a microphone in his hand and speaks. The slides show various symbols for barriers in the workplace.

Scientific Talk at the ICCHP Conference

    The international conference ICCHP this year took place from July 8-12 in Linz (Austria) where Mr. Weber presented the successfully accepted full paper contribution of the AutARK project entitled “Open Sesame!
    Use of Headphones at Work Considering Social Acceptance”. The paper shows the results of the context analysis on the use of ANC headphones at the workplace to support concentration, identifies challenges and proposes an adaptive system that allows social interaction while wearing ANC headphones depending on current contextual factors.

    Call for Paper: Special Issue relating to Assistive Technologies for Neurodivergent People

      Invitation for submissions to the special issue of Interacting with Computers with the title “Designing Technology for Neurodivergent Self-Determination: Challenges and Opportunities”! The topic area covers the use and development as well as the design of assistive technologies for neurodivergent people. Personal experience reports are also welcome!
      Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts:

      Photo of David Gollasch standing with a microphone in his hand to the left of a large display on which a presentation is being shown. He is speaking and chairs can be seen in the foreground (cropped). Below the picture is the logo of the HCI International conference showing the conference name 'HCI International 2024', the date '29 June - 4 July' and the event place 'Washington DC'. The logo includes a symbol with a human head (left) side by side to a schematic robotic head.

      Full Paper Contribution Relating to Assistive Technologies for Autists

        AutARK presents a full paper contribution at this year’s international conference “HCI International” in Washington DC. The paper entitled “Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Autistic Adults in Vocational Training and Employment Through Assistive Technologies” presents current research results and outlines requirements for assistive technologies to support autistic people in vocational training and at the workplace.

        Results of Mensch und Computer 2023

          The results of the practical part of the workshop “Designing Accessible Extended Reality”, organised by the AutARK team as part of the Mensch und Computer 2023 conference, include insightful ideas and suggestions developed by various participants on challenges and solutions for different target groups in different contexts. In addition, requirements as well as ethical and social aspects relating to the use of assistive technologies were discussed.

          Foto einer Präsentation zu den Zielen der nutzerzentrierten Gestaltung, die von Meinhardt Brandig gehalten wird (vorne rechts)

          1st Advisory Board Meeting: Networking with various stakeholders

            The project successfully conducted its inaugural advisory board meeting on November 17, 2023. Our advisory board consists of 10 institutions and individuals engaged in the field of autism in the workplace through various professional, voluntary, or personal capacities. The meeting also included representation from two individuals on the autism spectrum, who offered valuable personal insights into the workplace challenges faced from an autistic perspective, drawing from their own experiences.

            Bild von Christin Engel, welche zu zu Inklusion und Diversität in der Informatik referiert. Rechts von ihr wird eine Präsentationsfolie über das Forschungsprojekt AutARK gezeigt.

            AutARK at the careers fair vocatium Dresden II

              AutARK was represented at this year’s vocatium trade fair for training and studies in Dresden with an information and hands-on booth as well as a presentation to inform trade fair visitors about inclusive studies, digital accessibility and the various needs of people with disabilities or disorders in the context of training and studies.

              Photo with David Gollasch and Meinhardt Branig. In the background there is the building in which the INTERACT 2023 took place; on the left, an artificial pond. Foto von David Gollasch und Meinhardt Branig. Im Hintergrund Gebäude, in der die INTERACT 2023 stattfand, links im Bild künstlich angelegter Teich

              Workshop at INTERACT 2023

                The mutual exchange in the scientific community is always the basis as well as the guarantee for excellent research. This becomes especially exciting when new fields of research are jointly initiated and innovative projects and initiatives emerge from it. In… Read More »Workshop at INTERACT 2023

                Team photo of Autark, all wearing a pink batch with their name. From left to right: Meinhardt Branig, Jan Schmalfuß-Schwarz, Christin Engel, David Gollasch, Jonas Richartz Teamfoto von Autark, alle tragen einen pinken Batch mit ihrem Namen. V.l.n.r.: Meinhardt Branig, Jan Schmalfuß-Schwarz, Christin Engel, David Gollasch, Jonas Richartz

                Workshop at Mensch und Computer 2023

                  The AutARK team successfully conducted a workshop on accessibility and design of extended reality for neurodivergent people with over 20 participants at this year’s Mensch und Computer.

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