In 2023, the TU Dresden again received a special funding for inclusion from the SMWK for projects to improve the participation of students and employees with disabilities and chronic illnesses at the TU Dresden. Within this scope, the AutARK team submitted a proposal for the project “Neurodivergent @ TU Dresden“. This proposal was able to impress the selection committee and was consequently approved, so that the project can now be carried out from September to December 2023 with two positions at TU Dresden, in line with the AutARK project goals.
The term neurodiversity describes that differences in neurological development are part of the natural human spectrum, with barriers more likely to be created by society. This includes a distinction between neurotypical and neurodivergent persons (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, dyslexia, ADHD). Different brain conditions can impact how people interact, think, communicate, perceive, and process external stimuli. The project aims to analyze the study situation of neurodivergent students at the TUD, especially autistic students and students with AD(H)S, and to raise awareness for their needs in the academic context. Specifically, the requirements of this target group in the university context (i.e., studies) are to be recorded through surveys in order to subsequently derive specific interventions. In addition, we will establish a peer exchange between the neurodivergent students to enable a mutual exchange of experience.

More information can be found at the project website: Website Neurodivergent. If you have any questions or want to take part in the interviews, please write an e-mail to: