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Research & Activities

The project work takes place in close cooperation with the target group and other stakeholders in order to facilitate needs-based developments. Within this framework, various events such as workshops are organized and carried out during the project period. In addition, there is always an exchange in the national and international scientific context, in the context of which we organize or participate in events relating to the project topic.

Find out more about the project’s past and future participation in various events on the subpages.

Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Autark". Der Schriftzug "AUT" und "ARK" ist jeweils in weiß innerhalb eines schwarzen Rechtecks dargestellt. Das Rechteck "ARK" ist etwas nach oben versetzt. Oben aus den beiden Rechtecken kommen jeweils bunte Säulen verschiedener Länge, die eine geschwungene Kurve ergeben. Die Säulen sind von links nach rechts als Verlauf von Regenbogenfarben gefärbt.


Find out more about current topics, activities and initiatives.


Find out more about the workshops in which AutARK participates.


Find out what AutARK is researching and which studies have been carried out.

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